CN-EU Railway
We hereby provide railway LCL service from Duisburg to Yiwu by weekly which is the only one service in China.
Why choose us?
- Compare with Zhengzhou and Xi'an, Yiwu has the most distance advantage with Zhejiang; Jiangsu; An'hui and Shanghai customers.
- Regarding imbound LCL operation, we fix out container in Yiwu bonded warehouse, which means each shipment will not be influenced as other shipments' inspections.
- In POL, we also have a Chinese team to provide EU LCL warehousing; loading; and EU customs service, they speak Chinese; English and German, also they comprehended all Europe policies and EU customs rules. We promise that their working and communication efficiency better than all our competitors.
- We also have own operation team in Yiwu bonded warehouse and customs lobby, ensure your cargo will be pass speed and high efficiency.
- We provide FTL and LTL trucking service to all Chinese area.
- Yiwu bonded warehouse can provide bonded storage service for free of storage fee.
Germany | 德国 | 杜伊斯堡 | Duisburg |
Germany | 德国 | 汉堡 | Hamburg |
Germany | 德国 | 诺伊斯 | Nuess |
Italy | 意大利 | 米兰 | Milan |
Netherland | 荷兰 | 蒂尔堡 | Tilburg |
Fance | 法国 | 巴黎 | Paris |
UK | 英国 | 伦敦 | London |
Belgium | 比利时 | 烈日 | Liege |
Belgium | 比利时 | 安特卫普 | Antwerp |
Czech | 捷克 | 布拉格 | Prague |
Austria | 奥地利 | 维也纳 | Vienna |
Poland | 波兰 | 罗兹 | Roz |
Poland | 波兰 | 华沙 | Warsaw |
Poland | 波兰 | 马拉舍维奇 | Malaszewicze |
Spain | 西班牙 | 马德里 | Madrid |
Finland | 芬兰 | 赫尔辛基 | Helsinki |
Belarus | 白俄罗斯 | 明斯克 | Minsk |
Belarus | 白俄罗斯 | 布列斯特 | Brest |
Hungary | 匈牙利 | 布达佩斯 | Budapest |
Turkey | 土耳其 | 伊斯坦布尔 | Istanbul |
Russia | 俄罗斯 | 莫斯科 | Moscow |
Russia | 俄罗斯 | 叶卡捷琳堡 | Ekaterinburg |
Russia | 俄罗斯 | 沃尔西诺 | Walsino |
Russia | 俄罗斯 | 伊尔库茨克 | Irkutsk |
Russia | 俄罗斯 | 加里宁格勒 | kaliningrad |
Kazakhstan | 哈萨克斯坦 | 阿拉木图 | Almaty |
Kazakhstan | 哈萨克斯坦 | 阿斯塔纳 | Astana |
Kazakhstan | 哈萨克斯坦 | 多斯特克 | DOSTYK |
Kazakhstan | 哈萨克斯坦 | 伊列茨克 | Iletsk |
Uzbekistan | 乌兹别克斯坦 | 塔什干 | Tashkent |
Georgia | 格鲁吉亚 | 第比利斯 | Tbilisi |
Tajikistan | 塔吉克斯坦 | 杜尚别 | Duschanbe |
Iran | 伊朗 | 德黑兰 | Tehran |
Afghan | 阿富汗 | 马扎里沙里夫 | Marzri sharif |
Turkmenistan | 土库曼斯坦 | 萨拉赫斯 | Sarakhs |